
About Us

We are Ireland’s distributor for Titan Coatings.

Our previous focus was designing and developing military grade polymers and resins, since having identified that a number of our formulations are suitable for the automotive industry – the rest is history.

High Performance Coatings

We adapted our formulations to create a range of high performance coatings which were unique, durable and of hybrid nature. We source reagent grade materials from across the globe which are used to create products which are highly regarded.

We have relationships with some of the most advanced laboratories within the United Kingdom and abroad which allows our products to undergo various third party tests including accelerated weathering tests, abrasion testing as well as ISO standard tests. We also invest heavily in providing our global partners access to future formulations to provide field application feedback and more.

Our selected marketing and global distribution partner in Leeds are our main point of contact and have been tasked to attract top tier professionals across the globe to use our high performance coatings in all industries.

Best Surface Protection Specialists

We are determined and confident to become the preferred choice for the very best surface protection specialists across the globe.
If you require assistance to preserve a specific surface and would like access to our other formulations we are happy to discuss your requirements.

We also offer custom formulations/coatings to match your requirements, in order for us to offer a custom coating we would need to know what you would need to achieve from a specific product before offering any further details- please use the contact page to submit an enquiry.